Rating: PG
Characters: McKay/Sheppard, everyone
Spoilers: Up to 5.01.
Disclaimer: I do not own them. I only borrowed them. I promise they're in the same condition they were in before I came along.
Notes: Un-betaed, which is just sort of how I work.
DADT gets repealed and Sheppard celebrates by telling everyone he’s gay.
In the mess, Chuck looks uncomfortable and says, “I’m already seeing someone, sir,” and sits down next to Lorne.
Teyla nods her head, smiles, and hits him with a bantos stick.
Dr. Jansky – the replacement for Heightmeyer – asks John, “How does this make you feel?”
Ronon grunts.
Woolsey looks him up and down. Slowly. “Yes, Colonel, good to know.” And then he grins.
Caldwell says, “Yeah, so? Me, too,” and John actually feels faint.
Zelenka looks nervously at his watch and clears his throat. “Have you seen Rodney? We must run simulations soon.”
Keller gives him a pamphlet on safe sex and two handfuls of condoms and single-use packets of lube.
Rodney holds up a hand, presses his comm., and says, “Radek, the time is now 1637.” John raises and eyebrow.
“He’s the ringleader of the pool.”
“Yes. Hmm.” Rodney frowns at the simulation running on the laptop. “Everyone placed bets on how long it would take you to tell me. Zelenka doesn’t gamble – some personal thing – and so he keeps track of all the bets. I have two pounds of coffee on 1640, so my odds are good right now.”
John blinks. “Why was everyone betting on when I’d come tell you?”
Rodney keys in a few numbers, presses ‘Enter,’ and smiles at the screen before getting up, putting his hands on John’s shoulders, and kissing him squarely on the mouth. “That’s why.”
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